CBS San Diego Morning News Appearance!

The ladies of No Worries... Curry! made their first news appearance this week!


Mo and Marina joined The CW San Diego's Jenny Milkowski for some breakfast cooking. The result was exactly what we've come to expect from the girls: an amazing time in the kitchen filled with fun family memories!

The girls are happy to announce that the first nine episodes are now fully available on Amazon Prime Video. Here is a link to watch.

The girls would also like to give a special shout out to their first five reviewees! We are proud to announce that we have a perfect 5-star rating!

If you are a fan of the show, please leave a 5-star, positive review. It will go a long way!

Stay tuned for our next announcement: a special celebrity guest for our 10th and final episode of season 1! And make sure to follow the show on Facebook and Instagram for special merchandise opportunities!

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